Fluffy Chicks at the Farm
We have a new flock of fluffy little chicks here at my Bedford, New York farm.
I’ve been raising chickens for many years - not only do I love keeping them for their fresh, delicious eggs, but I also appreciate their company and their beauty.
As part of good animal husbandry practices, and in order to maintain strong egg laying production, it’s important to regenerate the chicken population from time to time. Last week, 14-rare breed chicks hatched right here at Cantitoe Corners - they were incubated in my own kitchen. These baby chickens will all start laying eggs in about four or five months, but for now, they’re nothing less than absolutely adorable.
Enjoy these photos.
- These chicks are housed in a crate located on one side of my Flower Room. Because it is near my Winter House, these babies can be monitored closely – everyone at the farm loves visiting these babies.
- The chicks are very eager to explore their surroundings. Chickens have their own personalities – some are more active or more curious than others.
- These chicks all have clear eyes and are very alert – signs of good health.
- On average, about 10-chicks can consume approximately one-pound of chick starter feed per day. They grow and develop very quickly.
- A good chick starter feed will contain protein for weight gain and muscle development, plus vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy and to build their immune systems.
- Baby chicks need constant monitoring until they are at least a month old. Dawa checks on them several times a day, and will continue to do so for the next few weeks.
- These chicks love playing and interacting with each other as well. These two were also pecking at each other playfully.
- Here is a Salmon Faverolle chick resting. I am so happy with this group of babies – they are all strong good eaters, and will be a great addition to my flock.
- Once the chicks are about five weeks old, they will be moved to a bigger enclosure down at the chicken coops where they can have access to some outdoor space. I have several coops that are locked tight at night to keep predators out. The top is also netted, making the chicken area very, very safe.
- This rooster is especially curious. Roosters are very vigilant of their hens, and very vocal.
- I’ve raised many different chicken breeds and varieties over the years – they are all so beautiful to observe. I am fascinated by their many colors and feather patterns.
- This Lavender Orpington chicken is a large, loosely-feathered bird with a medium sized comb. They are very good-natured and easy to handle.
- Chickens prefer to roost on high levels. In their fenced enclosure, the chickens are provided ladders and natural roosts made out of felled trees. As you can see, my chickens are very happy birds.
- Before choosing to raise chickens, always check with local planning and zoning authorities to be sure chickens are allowed in your area.
- I have a mélange of types and breeds that are really interesting to look at and fascinating to study. I love the blue markings on this rooster – so handsome.
- Twice a day, early morning and late afternoon, the birds are given cracked corn. They also eat plenty of vegetables and fruit matter, and trays of wheatgrass that I grow especially for them in my greenhouse.
- And they always have access to clean, fresh water.
- I’ve always had enough egg-laying hens to provide me and my family with fresh, nutritious, organic eggs all through the year. Here is a hen in her nesting box waiting to lay her egg for the day.
- I vowed to always have my own coops where I could keep happy, healthy and beautiful birds. This hen is also in the coop, resting on a perch and watching all the outdoor activity through the doorway.
- Another hen walks into the coop, perhaps to lay an egg. When laying, hens appreciate privacy.
- Chickens are not difficult to keep, but it does take time, commitment and a good understanding of animal husbandry to do it well.
- During this time of year I open the adjacent vegetable gardens to the chickens, so they can fertilize the soil. Chickens provide a tremendous nitrogen source to the area, They love this area and alway do a great job turning the soil, and eliminating the weeds.