October 6, 2015

My Friesians, and A Head-Start on Halloween

Halloween is fast approaching…

It’s no secret Halloween is among my favorite of holidays. I just love decorating my home with all the ghosts, goblins, skeletons, and other bone-chilling props I’ve collected over the years - plus, all the wonderful pumpkins and gourds that grow in my garden each autumn season.

This year, get a head-start on preparations and check out the Martha Stewart Pets collection, exclusively at PetSmart, for some great Halloween tees to get your pets ready for the festivities. The Martha Stewart Living line at Home Decorators Collection has all the hair-raising items you need for a frightfully fun night of tricks and treats. And, for costume ideas, pumpkin-carving instructions, and lots of photos of me in my most amazing Halloween makeovers, don’t forget to pick up your copy of the "Martha Stewart Halloween Special Issue" - it's on newsstands now!

But first, here are some photos taken of my beautiful Friesians by photographer, Jill Greenberg. Enjoy…

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