April 11, 2015

This Year's Seed Packets

There's still time to order your garden seeds! I know, the process of ordering through seed catalogs can be daunting, but it also provides many advantages, such as being able to choose seeds based on how they are grown and how they are treated.

For me, perusing seed catalogs and selecting seeds is actually a fun task. I love reading and learning about all the different varieties that are available each season. This year, I wanted to focus my gardening on fewer varieties of vegetables, but also grow more types of different vegetables. In addition, I wanted to add more perennial flowers to my beds. It took some time to decide, but in the end I received a wonderful collection and I can’t wait to see them all growing in my garden.

As promised, here is a gallery of photos showing some of the seed packets I ordered. They are from a variety of reputable purveyors, including: Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Kitazawa Seed Company, Johnny’s Selected Seeds, John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds, The Natural Gardening Company, Irish Eyes Garden Seeds, Siskiyou Seed, Sow True Seed and Seed Savers Exchange.

Enjoy the weekend!

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