February 6, 2015

Seed Catalogs - Get Your Orders In!

It’s that time of year again! Time to peruse, study, choose and order all your seeds, and even berries and trees and shrubs and perennials and summer flowering bulbs from the many wonderful and trustworthy purveyors who send out extraordinary catalogs each winter. Ryan, my gardener, and I await with pleasure the arrival of new seasonal catalogs, and we collect them all in one place and then start reading and choosing, marking with post-its and red circles, our choices for the upcoming growing season. It is so much fun to read and choose and dream about what will actually be in the garden this year as opposed to last and years past.

This year, I am concentrating on fewer varieties of each vegetable (for example, last year we grew 14 types of tomatoes), focusing instead on more different types of vegetables. I really need only six to eight different tomatoes, but I do want fava beans, lima beans, red runner beans, Russian kale and a good collard. I am also growing many more perennial flowers to add to the new flower borders, which last year did not produce enough cut flowers for my taste. I really want more delphinium, more asters, more sweet peas, etc.

So this weekend is being spent at the dining room table, in the sunshine (hopefully), going through this year’s pile of “books." When the seeds arrive, we will show you what we ordered. The list of seed growers that we use is included here. Many of these catalogs are also online for your ordering pleasure. Have as much fun as I am going to have!

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