January 21, 2015

Visit to the Dia Beacon Museum

On this past Monday, Martin Luther King Day, Jude and Truman came to the farm to visit. Accompanied by their dad and nannies, we decided to take the 40 minute ride north to visit the Dia Beacon Museum, on the banks of the Hudson River. We left after the kids had a short, cold ride on the back of Ben Chunch Klittelberghe, their new Fell pony. Ben looks amazing after dozens of groomings, lots of great food and nights out in the cold—his coat is like a thick fur blanket!

Dia Beacon is the Riggio Galleries museum for an extensive art collection dating from the 1960s to the present.  It is housed in a massive factory building set on 26 acres of land on the banks of the Hudson River.

It is so worth a visit or two or three!

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