A Party for My Staff at Bedford
Last weekend I held a party for all the staff at my Bedford property. My employees work so hard all year caring for my farm and helping me prepare for parties and other events, so this was an opportunity to show my appreciation. Chef Pierre Schaedelin and I planned a festive and traditional holiday meal, which we served in the Winter House. It included delicious baked ham served with biscuits, smoked salmon, frittatas, and blintzes expertly made by my friend Svetlana. We also served potato latkes with crème fraiche and applesauce - with apples from my farm, naturally. There was cider, wine, and my special eggnog, made with rum, bourbon, and cognac, with whipped cream folded in. In the Tenant House we served a smorgasbord of sweets - chef Thomas Joseph prepared for days. We were also enchanted by the singing of Charis Chamber Voices, a Bedford-based chamber choir that performed traditional Christmas carols. In Greek, "charis" means joy, pleasure, grace and kindness - which perfectly expresses my sentiments for the season!
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