It's Time To Make The Donuts!
On Monday and Tuesday of this week, I traveled to Dallas, Texas and Indianapolis, Indiana for business and to attend the Indiana Governor's Conference For Women. On our way to the conference, our driver took us through the historic section of Indianapolis known as Monument Circle, where we saw several important buildings and monuments. Reader Lori B shared, "The Indiana War Memorial Plaza Historic District contains two museums, three parks, and 24 acres of monuments, statues, sculptures, and fountains in the heart of downtown Indianapolis, making the state's capital second only to Washington D.C. in acreage and number of monuments dedicated to veterans." Thanks, Lori! Because we were running early, the driver suggested that we make a stop at the famous Long's Bakery, located at 1453 North Tremont Street. Carl Long started this business in 1955 and it's extremely popular with locals and visitors, alike. We were told they make excellent donuts and who doesn't love a good donut?
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