A Guest Blog From Peru
You may recall a recent blog contributed by employee, Kate Lewis, about her visit to the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market. There were many wonderful comments posted and now I am happy to share another fabulous adventure with you! Katrina Zook, who is an assistant photo editor at MSLO, recently traveled to Peru to visit her mother, who teaches English there. With the help of a guide, they toured some amazing ruins, including Kuelap, an ancient fortress high in the Andes and the largest stone structure in South America. To get to this remote and basically untouched wonder of the world, Katrina and her party took a 1-hour flight from Lima to Chiclayo, a 9-hour bus ride followed by a 1-hour cab ride from Chiclayo to Chachapoya, a 2-hour cab ride from Chachapoya to Keulap base, and finally a 10-minute horse ride to the top of Keulap. Please enjoy her photos – I certainly did!
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