A Brisk Horseback Ride in North Salem, NY
Last Saturday, I had the nicest day. My friend, Muffin, arranged a horseback ride in North Salem, New York, and I invited my niece, Sophie, to join us. Betsy loaded the horse trailer with Ramon and Rinze and transported the horses and tack. We met the other riders, ten of us in all, at the North Salem Open Land Foundation. It was quite chilly and blustery, but the NSOLF is a fabulous place to ride and the company was a lot of fun.
- Here I am having a quick snack with Muffin and Jodi.
- Ramon looking very handsome
- Rinze also came along for the ride.
- This is the tack room in my horse trailer.
- Betsy saddling up Ramon – Betsy was prepared for a blustery ride.
- Linda, me, Janice, Muffin, Mary, and Jodi posing before our ride
- Adjacent to the North Salem Open Land Foundation are the kennels of the hounds of Goldens Bridge Hunt.
- We were parked along Baxter Rd. and were preparing to mount our horses.
- The North Salem Open Land Foundation (NSOLF) was founded in 1974 and serves the Town of North Salem, New York and the surrounding community.
- Documenting our ride
- Sophie documenting me!
- Another shot
- Betsy all geared up
- Since NSOLF’s incorporation, the Foundation has protected over 900 acres of land. The Foundation preserves these lands through an acquisition and conservation easement program.
- NSOLF is dedicated to protecting open space to provide refuge for wildlife and educational and recreational opportunities for the community at large.
- We rode around this pretty pond.
- I was impressed with how beautiful NSOLF is.
- A kestrel or an owl house along the way
- Off the field and back onto Baxter Road with Jodi leading the pack
- It wasn’t even noon yet, but the sun is so low in the sky, making for very long shadows.
- We passed an adorable weanling, or this year’s baby.
- That miniature horse is the companion of the weanling.
- This wooded trail smelled of dry fallen leaves.
- That’s Muffin astride her darling Biscuit.
- Out of the woods and back onto open space.
- This is one of many rustic jumps.
- This odd house along the trail is called the ‘Plastic House.’ It’s actually a modified grower’s hoop house and is quite lived in!
- The vistas were quite spectacular and the clouds were amazing!
- Horses are creatures of habit, as proven by this worn down trail.
- Climbing a big hill
- At the top of the hill, the owner of the land constructed many interesting jumps. This one is part of an Event Course, a great place to practice jumping.
- More very long shadows at mid-day – The sky looks like a painting.
- From the top of the hill, there is a wonderful 360-degree view.
- Another interesting jump
- Notice the other fun jumps?
- That same man has an outdoor arena.
- And he also has an indoor arena – He’s a very serious competitor, I am told.
- Back outdoors and over a beautiful stone bridge
- Riding onto Jodi’s Pink Cloud Farm
- Her horses and one of her barns
- Another barn on Jodi’s property
- Sophie was so happy that she came along for the ride. She was riding a borrowed horse called Sky.
- After our ride, Muffin, a Realtor, wanted to show me a magnificent place she is hoping to find a buyer for. It’s near my home in Katonah, overlooking the Cross River Reservoir.
- The house is stunning.
- An ivy-covered stucco edifice with granite blocks and leaded glass windows
- Muffin is pointing out my farm off in the distance.