Another Autumn Display At My Farm
If you live in an area where foliage changes with the seasons, then you know how exciting autumn can be. However, weather conditions have once again affected the fall display. Last year I blogged about how damp and chilly spring and summer was, leading to many fungal conditions, including tar spot fungus. That fungus caused the leaves of many maple trees to turn brown and drop early. This year, we had just the opposite weather, with very little rainfall all summer long, causing an early and lackluster leaf drop for many species of trees. Fortunately, the stately sugar maples still turned their brilliant fall colors and I was able to capture their beauty before it faded. Now, with every gust of wind, leaves flow to the ground, reminding us all that the cold months of winter are soon to follow.
- This small equipment shed is near my house and it’s decorated for the season.
- Pumpkins and gourds adorn the walls.
- Another wrought iron decorative rack is affixed to my home.
- Another display
- The stone wall alongside the road is also decorated.
- This is the nearby Cross River Reservoir and it has broad, sweeping views.
- The foliage surrounding the reservoir is amazing.
- This maple adjacent to the greenhouse is gorgeous every autumn.
- This line of colorful trees abuts the lower paddock where the run-in shed is.
- Brilliance beyond the tennis court
- Such a vivid yellow
- The weeping willows are beginning to fade.
- Another great tree with the run-in shed beyond
- Puff balls are a sure sign of autumn and these appeared alongside the carriage road in the woods.
- Great light on one of the hay fields
- Zooming in on the foliage
- A brilliant red towering maple deep in the woods.
- Another hay field – who drove across it?
- This section of woods is always so yellow in the autumn.
- The Christmas tree field – I think we’ll see a real growth spurt here next spring.
- A great shot taken near the contemporary house on the farm.
- The same hay field without the apples
- A view across the wetlands – that orange maple is the one next to the greenhouse.
- More striking trees
- A great shot with the sun peering through
- Looking down the carriage road towards the stable – The landscape is ablaze with color.
- Another great maple
- Another section of paddock
- And more glowing woods
- The hostas beneath that maple are quickly fading from green to yellow.
- The white pines are shedding needles.