My Farm in Late August
It’s been a challenging summer weather-wise. It was a very hot spring, which caused plants to grow early and fast. Nearly everything was a good two weeks ahead of schedule. We also had very little rain when rain was much needed. And, to top it all off, there was that twister in late July, causing tremendous damage to many, many stately trees. Despite all of this, my grounds crew continues to work hard at making the farm a beautiful and productive place. Enjoy these photos taken yesterday.
- These are windfall apples, which will go to the donkeys, horses, and chickens.
- This is the load out from the fun taping of my upcoming Halloween show down in the equipment barn. Watch for it on the Hallmark Channel.
- The edamame – soybean – are not quite ready for picking.
- I’ve never seen more beautiful kale as this year’s crop.
- This eggplant is called Rosa Bianca, a delicious Italian heirloom.
- Eggplant – Listada de Gandia – A unique eggplant pleasing to both the eye and the palate.
- Pepper – Yankee Bell – a green pepper that becomes red
- Pepper – Biscayne – A prolific sweet pepper
- Pepper – Shishito – an abundant, sweet Japanese variety
- Pepper – Peppino – a hot cherry pepper
- Pepper – a hot variety from Thailand
- The vegetable garden has grown quite nicely this year.
- The peas and beans have been amazing! Snap beans – Fresh Pick
- I had a meeting with an event planner and a tent person for an upcoming wedding to be held at my farm.
- These plants are for a magazine shoot.
- Neil, who works with me on Sirius Radio, arrived for a live broadcast of my show, AskMartha.
- The hornbeam hedges needed a good pruning. I suppose it’s time for lunch.
- The cutting garden needed a lot of attention.
- Weeds, weeds, and more weeds!
- There are still some lovely blooms – lilies, cosmos, and flox
- Shaun is pruning and dead-heading.
- The crew, busy at work
- The six heritage breed turkeys are enjoying their grassy open pen now that their wings have been clipped.
- And pretty celosia – Flamingo Feather
- And Verbena bonariensis
- A bee enjoying fluffy ageratum
- These are the bright red berries of the asparagus plant.
- Deep in the woods – It will be some time before the twister damage can all be cleaned up.
- Bracket fungus is already at work helping to decay this wood.
- Can you believe how much fruit there is on this one tree?
- These apple trees are in a far corner of the property and are quite old.
- More of the props used