October 17, 2024

Fruits of My Farm

What fall fruits are growing near you?

It's amazing how quickly plants and trees grow and change day to day. Starting in September, many of the trees in this area begin their autumn transformations - changing from bold green to various shades of red, yellow, and brown. Now in October, many of those leaves have started to fall. In some cases exposing the season's fruits. We've already picked and enjoyed many apples and pears, but I also have quince, persimmons, medlars, a variety of crabapple berries, and those of the Cornus kousa, osage oranges, and trifoliate oranges, and other autumn treats - some we eat, some we can't, but many provide wildlife with sugar, protein, fat, and other crucial nutrients to sustain them through the coming winter.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

October 16, 2024

Moving Tropical Container Plants Indoors

All my tropical plants are now safely stored indoors for the winter.

Caring for my precious plants means following a strict schedule, particularly at the end of the warm season. Plants that summer at Skylands, my home in Maine, are picked up and brought back to Bedford for storage. And together with all the tropical specimens here at the farm, everything is groomed, organized, and placed in special greenhouses where temperature and humidity levels can be closely monitored and adjusted when necessary. Some of the taller plants are also stored in my stable. It's a multiple day process, but my team does a great job getting it all done.

Enjoy these photos.

October 15, 2024

Storing the Potted Plants

October is a very important month here at my Bedford, New York farm. It's when my gardeners and outdoor grounds crew are rushing to get all my warm weather container plants inside the greenhouses.

I have quite a large collection of tropical specimens. Because I live in a four-season region, during colder months it’s vital these plants move indoors where the temperature and humidity levels can be controlled. Plants that spent the summer at Skylands, my home in Maine, are also brought back to Bedford for storage. It’s a tedious process to put all these container plants away, but a very important one that helps keep my plants thriving.

Enjoy these photos.