January 7, 2025

A Day of Flurries at My Farm

Hard not to love a picturesque snow-covered landscape even if it is light.

Yesterday, we got another dusting of beautiful, white snow that was just enough to stick to the tree branches and shrubs, stone posts, walls, and steps, and the tops of many of the burlap-encased boxwood and ornamental urns. I always love to tour the property when it snows. If it's heavy, I plow the four miles of carriage road. If it is light, I'm out there taking pictures. This storm brought several hours of flurries, and by afternoon peeks of a blue sky.

Enjoy these photos.

January 6, 2025

Potting Up Camellias

There's always something beautiful to see in my greenhouses.

Inside one of my hoop houses where I store my tender tropical plants for the winter is a section of healthy lush camellias - those dense shrubs with brilliant evergreen foliage and compact habits. Some of them have started to flower, but there are dozens of buds just waiting to open in bright shades of white, cream, pink, and red. Not long ago, I was gifted several more camellias - varieties including "Buttons 'n Bows,' 'Nuccio's Jewel,' 'Moonlight Bay,' 'Little Pearl,' and 'Virginia Robinson.' They will make lovely additions to my collection.

Enjoy these photos.

January 4, 2025

It's Cold Outside but Warm in My Tropical Hoop House

Here at my farm temperatures today are expected to be in the low 30s - the beginning of a forecasted stretch of cold, wintry days.

When it is this cold, I am so grateful all my tender tropical plants are safe indoors. I have several sizable hoop houses where I store most of my tropical plants over winter. The structures are all made from steel frames and polyethylene panels. Inside, the temperature and humidity levels are closely monitored and can be adjusted when necessary. And every few days, I like to go into each one to see how the plants are doing.

Enjoy these photos.