December 14, 2023

Outdoor Holiday Decorations Go Up at My Farm

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and everyone here at my Bedford, New York farm is getting into the holiday spirit.

I just love how my home looks during the Christmas season - adorned with festive lights and ornaments inside and out. This year, I put up shooting stars on several of the outbuildings and decorated my front entrance with two beautiful evergreen trees, lots of bright lights, and giant silvered-glass kugels from my old Martha by Mail Collection.

Enjoy these photos.

December 13, 2023

Another Big Batch of Homemade Dog Food

Everyone loves a delicious, healthy home-cooked meal - even our pets.

Every few weeks, I set aside time to make my dogs, Crème Brûlée, Bête Noire, Empress Qin, and Emperor Han, a good supply of food. Preparing my own dog food has many benefits - fewer preservatives and additives, more varied and better ingredients and, of course, more of what I know my dogs will enjoy. I also know the food is from wholesome, organic, reputable, and local sources - that is very important to me. Last weekend, along with the help of my housekeeper, Elvira Rojas, and my longtime driver, Carlos "Uno" Villamil, we made a giant batch - filled with quality meats, quinoa, lots of nutritious vegetables, and even some delicious yogurt I made too.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

December 12, 2023

Time to Burlap My Long Boxwood Allée

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, the outdoor grounds crew is busy "burlapping" - a term we use for covering all my winter-sensitive boxwood with burlap.

I am a big supporter of "burlapping" shrubbery for the cold season. Burlap covers protect the tender branches from splaying and breaking under heavy ice and snow while shielding the foliage from strong winds. Burlap is also more effective than plastic because it allows air to circulate through the plants. It is a practice I've followed for many years, and I think it also provides a cozy and pretty look to the winter landscape. Last week, the crew finished the biggest part of this project - my long Boxwood Allée. And, it was done with a new additional tool, that helped to streamline our process even more.

Enjoy these photos.